Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The UGLY Naked Truth

You've heard of the Ugly Truth, or the Naked Truth; well this is the UGLY NAKED TRUTH.

I look ugly naked. There, I said it. It's amazing how hard it was to admit that outloud and in public. Ouch!

How did I come that realization you ask? Afterall, everyone else has known that for some time. Well, I took pictures. I took real, non tummy sucking stripped down to skivvies pictures. I took pictures from three angles. I took them in real light and didn't doctor them up at all. I tell you what, I'd like to take those pictures and burn them, but their digital. I've now taken pictures two days in a row, and will continue taking pictures each day until this odessy is complete. At the end of the week, I'll post a picture and continue doing this until my odessy is complete.

So, were the pictures really that bad? YES. I look like a countersunk screw. I'm flat along the shoulders (very broad) have a wide (equally and in some spots more broad) back and then I actually do tapper at my love handle equipt waiste befor going straight down at the legs. I looked at those pictures and made a sound somewhere between a cry and a laugh. When you see bulges where no bulges should be and you see MOOBs (Man Boobs) where there should be chisled pecs, it's disheartening.

After coming to grips with the fact that I don't look like Adonis a strange thing happened. I felt empowered. I don't have anything to hide behind. I am what I am today, and that drives me to become what I know I'm capable of being. I am committed to this goal of total fitness.

Uncovering and confronting the UGLY NAKED Truth can be a hard thing in our lives. However, I believe it is essential to do it if you want to break those bonds and move on to a richer and fuller life...no matter what those ugly naked truths may be.


Ryan and PJ Olson said...

Good for you Eric! We know you can do it! I have a friend and we committed to run a half-marathon in January. It is a huge help to have that goal in sight because it gets my butt out of bed in the morning. :) And having a friend to go running with everyday is a huge help too! It will be fun to see your progress and to see how great you will feel in a short time! :) Good for you man! PJ

Erock! said...

Thanks PJ. Accountability makes people do curious things. In this case I feel accountable to the general public. Thanks for the support.

Babs said...

Eric, good for you! I am impressed that you had the courage to chronicle your frustrations and private thoughts publicly. As erock said, "accountability makes people do curious things." Yours has made me revaluate my own accountability in the same endeavors.

Thanks for inviting me into your journey.

Erock! said...

Thanks Barbi!