Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Staying the Course.

Three days into a lifestyle change hardly counts for much. As a matter of fact, the first week is the honeymoon period. It's supposed to be easy to get up and work out every day. I'm supposed to be MOTIVATED to eat right. But then LIFE HAPPENS!

I got up this morning at 5am with every intention of going to the gym by 5:3oam and back by 6:45am. It's become my routine. If everything goes right, I'm in my office, (which happens to be 43 steps from my bedroom,) by 7am.

This morning was a little different in that I had to get back for a conference call at 7am to discuss a very serious issue with one of my larger clients. (My sleep last night sucked because all I could think about was what I had to deal with today.) Obviously the sleep deprivation clouded my better judgment because instead of walking past my computer on out to my truck and driving to the gym, I stopped, and opened my e-mails. I wasn't going to read them; I just wanted to have them downloaded so I wouldn't have to spend the time doing that when I got home later. That simple act of opening Outlook nearly ruined my pattern and new healthy lifestyle.

Instead of going to the gym to work up a good sweat and churn thoughts around, I got sucked in. I sat down to answer a couple urgent e-mails and the next thing I knew it was time for my first conference call. I had totally lost my work out time. This is not good. Three days in and I'm already off schedule? Not good.

Rather than lament what couldn't be changed, I took advantage of the 30 minutes I had between the conference call and when I had to leave for a morning meeting. I did 150 situps and 100 push ups. I broke the push ups into three groups...Inverted Tub push ups, Decline Tub push ups and regular on the floor push ups. In case you are wondering, it didn't take me 30 minutes to do the sit ups and push ups. I had to take a shower still, so combined it took up the 30 minutes.

The rest of my day has been hectic and stressful to say the least. But because I took the time I had at the moment, and got a little excercise in, I was reminded of my goals and comittment. I was able to eat properly and stay on course. So that you don't think that I'm counting 150 sit ups and 100 push ups as my work out today I'll inform you now that in 5 minutes my lovely wife and I are gonig to the gym for a real work out. In spite of the stressful day and numerous issues that tried to knock me off course, I'm staying the course and fighting through it.

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