Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 1, When the Rubber Hits the Road!

Day one starts with new resolve. This is when the proverbial rubber hits the road. Over is the time to "think" about what you are going to do to get in shape and now is the time to "do" what you need to do to get into shape.

So, day one started at 4:50am. I didn't want to wake up that early; it was 40 minutes before I HAD to wake up. Once I am up, I'm up, so I waited in bed about as long as my bladder would let me....4:53am and I was UP! After a rousing pee, I got dressed in my favorite running shoes and work out clothes and headed out to the YMCA for my work out.

Day one at the gym started much like many other days. I started by stretching for 10 minutes. the older I get and the less I've worked out dictate a LOT MORE stretching to begin the day. I really have to focus on my lower back and my hamstrings. It's embarassing, but I've pulled my hamstring bowling, so now I really focus on stretching my hamstrings. After a solid 10 minutes of stretching I proceed to pump the upper body by doing dumbbell bench press, dumbbell curls, barbell curls, shoulder shrugs, tricep pull downs, and pull ups...machine assisted. My upper body got nice and swollen.

Day one on the new committment to do 500 situps each day. After doing 150 leg lifts and crunches this morning I have revised that goal to 300 per day for the first month and then move to 500 per day. My stomach is already yelling at me.

Finally I did 15 minutes of cardio on the treadmill. I ran for 12 minutes at 5 mph and walked the last three minutes at 3.5 mph. It's not impressive, but it's a start.

Day one is here and I'm focused on my diet. I am eating three well planned healthy meals per day and two low calorie snacks.

I have to remind myself that Rome was not built in a day. Slowly and surely I will meet my goals and acheive my optimal health.


Porter Shumway said...

Hey, one day down, a lot more of them to go! Where are the pictures man. I need to see some sloppy, sweaty, pictures. :) Keep it up!

Erock! said...

I have two days of pictures, but haven't downloaded them yet. I've only committed to putting up one picture per week. I HATE my pictures...which is all the more reason to put them up.