Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No Travel; No Problem.

I have 11 days in a row with a work out. Not all of them have been earth shattering bone crunching tough, but they have be good. I haven't done 11 days in a row since my days back in Nam with Rudderman. OK, I was never in Nam, but you get the point.

As I was doing my third set of dips I began thinking how nice it is to have the gym close by with all of the good equipment I like to use for my work outs. Then I started thinking about my road trips and the crappy, or non-existent work out rooms in the hotels. Not only are the work out rooms pathetic, the time to get the work outs in becomes much harder when I'm traveling. I'm home now, so getting the work outs in is not so difficult, but when I'm traveling, that's a different story.

As I pulled up my last set of curls I thought to my self: "Self, you don't need a bunch of fancy stuff to get a work out in. All you need is you and your will power." (That Self is a pretty smart guy sometimes.) I made the committment right then and there that no matter where I stay, I will get a work out in while traveling. It may be in my room doing squat thrusts, pushups, situps and chair dips, but I will get a good burn and sweat and keep the train on the tracks.

It's all about priorities. In the past, the priority was relaxing after a stressful day working on the road. Now the priority is Health and a becoming 200 lbs. of twisted steel and sex appeal!


Dixiechick said...

You can get in some really good workouts using your own body weight. It's one of my favorite ways to work out. :)

Porter Shumway said...

C'mon Dixie, we're trying to keep it clean here. On a lighter more spiritual note, I agree with Dixie, my own body weight is all I need to have a fantastic workout--any time I do yoga, I'm sure I'm going to die, and that is 100% body weight. I'm having probs. copying the discs for us. I'm still working on it though.