Friday, September 26, 2008

Ah Yeah, That's It!

I was talking with Jody the other day about how I'd look at my goal weight of 200 lbs. I remember in my mind what I looked like at that weight and knew that I had some pictures somewhere that showed me at that weight. So today I began searching around for the picture that really showed in my face what 200lbs. looks like. Of course the picture you see is a much younger me, but equally as handsome.

It was fun looking back at this picture and remembering the time of my life I was in. This was August of 1989. I was a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Birmingham, AL. We had just finished a charity car wash and the Sister Missionaries got stupid and thought they could start a water fight with us and not actually get water on them. Silly girls. The crazy thing is that I can remember that day like it was yesterday. The sisters gave Elder Kongaika and Me a ride home. Before we made it back to our apartment we stopped at Rally's Hamburger drive through and got some burgers, fries and sodas. Although my companion, Elder Kongaika, and I were sitting in the back seat and the sisters were in the front, I remember feeling very guilty. It felt like a date and dates were VERY forbidden for missionaries. I remember looking out the window and seeing boys and girls, men and women walking hand in hand, or arm around shoulder and thinking, "Man, this sucks that I can't date for 18 more months....and my girlfriend is back at home...and I really want to be kissing on her now....and man this sucks that I can't date for another 18 months. Wow, it's amazing how one picture will spur that many memories.

So, back to the point, which is 200 lbs. Handsome and chissled. Look at that jaw line. We'll see how cruel time has been to me when I am 200 and compare the picture to the reality.


Porter Shumway said...

That would SO GREAT to look even close to that again. Obviously there will be differences, but the same clothes should fit again. Keep it up.

Lana said...

All I can say is "Perhaps that sister should have rethought her shirt that morning before getting soaked in a "Slippery When Wet" type carwash. Ew. ew ew.