Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Physical Odessy Begins...AGAIN!

I can't tell you how many times I've begun this long, sometimes painful, and always frustrating trek too peak physical fitness. Within the last year I've had at least 4 misstarts on this journey.

Why is it such a challenge to put my fitness plan and diet plan together and stick to them for more than a week? There are tons of reasons, but the single biggest reason is that I get a little success and begin "Treating" myself for it. BIG mistake. Somehow, I have to get the mental strength to say, "until you meet your goals, you don't treat yourself," or maybe a parasite would do the trick. (Much easier said than done when your naturally skinny wife and kids eat what they want and still look like Mr. Salty .)

Most of you who know me know that I'm not a quitter. At least I don't quit for very long. That is why I've had 4 misstarts this year alone. I get back on the horse and try and ride again. (This merry-go-round of weight loss gets frustrating because I feel like a weak person who hasn't had the will power or mental fortitude to keep going on the first trek to my goals...but I honestly believe that we are only defeated when we quit for good and as long as I can restart, I WILL!.)

So, here we are, another re-start. But this time is going to be different. This time I'm not just holding me accountable. I'm not just going to listen to my wife and kids remind me in their loving, but sometimes rude ways, that I don't need that cookie, or extra helping. This time I'm including all of you who blog and have struggled with your weightloss too. This time I'm doing some things differently. (You know they say insanity is doing the same thing but expecting a different result.) I'm BLOGGING and JOGGING! I guess you could say I'm the Blogger Jogger. In addition to the proper diet and excercise, I will blog daily and upload photo updates at least weekly.

I'm 38 years old. I have had the goal for the past few years to get into the BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE before I turn 40. Goals are a funny thing. Without writing them down and reviewing them regularly they are nothing more than a wish. I've had lots of wishes in my life, some came true, most didn't. Goals are different for me though. When I've written my goals down and committed myself to them, the VAST majority of my time they come to fruition. (Even when I didn't review them regularly. When I reviewed them regularly easily 90% have come to pass.) So, here I am, blogging, writting my goals and committing myself to a physical journey unlike any I've undertaken in the past.


1. To change my mental outlook on physical fitness. It is a journey, not a destination. I will be working on my physical fitness for the remainder of my life and I will enjoy it.

2. I will rewire my thinking about food to remember that it is fuel, not a reward. (this is a tough one for me because I like the taste of food.) Eat the right foods to fuel my odessy and acheive my goals.

3. I will acheive 10% body least for a period of time. (I will maintain 13-15% body fat.)

4. I will compete in at least 1 triathalon by the time I am 40 years old.

5. I will be a good example for my children for healthy living.

I want to thank each of you for the support and accountability you will provide on my odessy. I am both excited and nervous about starting this trek this time. I know the challenges and pitfalls that lie ahead, but I also know that when I want something bad enough I can get it. If others who were in worse shape than I have turne it around...SO CAN I! This jounrney and fun begins now.



Porter Shumway said...

I like the way you write your goals out. There's no way you wouldn't accomplish them with that kind of power and determined sound. It's cool. I will add you to my google reader and keep up on the journey. I told Porter I'd do the same and then sound grouchy and guilt-inducing comments if there isn't any blogging happening. :) J/K. Best of luck, may the best man look hot!

Porter Shumway said...

oops, this is Lana...I thought I was signed into my blog account.

Erock! said...

Thanks Lana. I appreciate the support.

Allyson & Jere said...

Well good for you Eric. Nice entries by the way, even though I'm only commenting on this one. I'm wishing you the BEST of luck with this odessy. I'm gearing up for my own re-entry into the exercise world in a few months when the baby is here and old enough for me to start the workouts. So not fun to think of, but necessary.

lisa said...

Hey Eric! You know that as your kissin' cousin, I think you look pretty dang hot just they way you are. Nothing wrong with attaining a worthy goal though. I'll have my eye on you! (I can totally sympathize with the NAKED UGLY TRUTH thing; just a few weeks ago I had Gatlin take a couple pics of me in a swimsuit for my own journey to improve my own health and bod; talk about an eye opener in the worst way!) I'll try to keep up with you! Lisa McBride

lisa said...

who is crazy mama? I didn't put that, but oh well