Thursday, September 25, 2008

Record Set at 11

It had to happen. Lou Gehrig, Cal Ripken Jr., Bret Favre, and now me. Today ended my consecutive work out streak. 11 days and now ended. Why? You ask. Because I'm sick!

I have felt like doo doo since late Tuesday, but it hit a new point yesterday. I actually felt fine except for the raw sore throat, stuffy head and throbbing head ache. I ended up going to bed at 8pm last night. Yeah, I know, I go to bed early every night...but not that early. As I was laying in bed I thought about this morning and whether or not I'd go.

I did wake up at my normal early time and considered going, until I got up to releive myself. The walk to the outhouse reminded me that I still felt like doo doo, and no matter how grand my streak was, it was better to break it than make myself more sick.

So, it ends at 11. Hopefully tomorrow I'm feeling well enough to begin a new streak. My dieting has been pretty solid too. I really have cut down the portions and focused on eating healthy foods. I have really only had one slip and that was a small Thrifty ice cream cone. I couldn't let Maya eat hers alone, that's so rude. I think my body was telling me thank you for the ice cream because when I finally got up and going today I put on a pair of freshly washed jeans and they actually started out fitting loosely.


Porter Shumway said...

I feel your pain. Workouts are useless if you feel like crap. Minor aches and pains maybe we can work through them, but when you don't have it, you can't force it. Good luck tomorrow.

Lana said...

True true. Plus, it's good to give you body a recoup day every now and then. Good for you for still wanting to give it a try. :)

Allyson & Jere said...

So did your feeling like doo doo, equal Porters doo doo? Maybe you guys could be in a poo war. Or MAYBE it's SAY-TUN (said like the church lady) keeping you from your workouts. Ever think of THAT?