Sunday, September 28, 2008

Body AND Mind

From the beginning of this odessy I have stated that my goal is total fitness of body and mind. It is essential to have balance in all things.

Last night was a fantastic night with a wonderful group of friends. They are REALLY GOOD; No, you could say they're GREAT people. (inside joke...they know who I'm talking about.) This group of free thinking intelligent souls weave a rich tapestry of life. We have Dr.'s, Lobbyists, Professional Writers, Internet Business men making high 7 figures, Real Estate developers and brokers, and other facinating carreers. Each person brings a unique characteristic to the group and provides balance.

The reason I bring up this group of friends is that they challenge my mind much like the gym challenges my body. Through deep and thoughtful conversation I am able to explore new ideas and thoughts while sharing my feelings and beliefs. I find myself thinking that these people are all at the top of their game and are uber smart and driven and all of those thoughts drive me to be even better. We are able to discuss books we've read, philosophy's, our families; immediate and extended, and our upbringings. Each person is totally accepting and non-judgmental which allows for an openness that most groups can't even conceive of. This group of friends, Soul Mates, help strengthen and shape my mind, bringing balance into my life.

I feel especially fortunate to have a solid core of friends like this group. To each of you; THANK YOU.


Dixiechick said...

Uh oh. What happened on Monday? No report. Don't fall off the wagon Eric!

Porter Shumway said...

Thank you for your flattery Eric, but it will get you nowhere. OK, maybe somewhere, but not everywhere.