Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Putting it ALL Together

We did it! Porter and I finished our first triathlon, and Dixie finished second in her age class in her second triathlon. These were big accomplishments for all of us. HOWEVER, this is really just the beginning.

As I was reflecting on my sense of accomplishment I quickly realized that I had only completed a portion of my goals. I really hadn't put it ALL together as I hoped and expected.

When I started this Odyssey I planned to become physically fit. I have made great strides to achieving this goal, but I haven't made as much progress as I should have. When I started getting serious about training for the triathlon I increased my workouts and saw immediate results. However, I didn't continue to follow a diet like I should have. I allowed myself to get lulled into a false sense of comfort that I was doing what I should to reach my goal. I saw some incremental success and let go of my diet.

So, as we move forward toward the next triathlon I have recommitted myself to my diet AND workouts. I KNOW that together I will see the results I'm looking for and in the process help my goal of reducing my race time by 10 minutes in the next race.

My weight goal remains the same...200 lbs. by the time we do our triathlon in March. I will follow a lower carb (not a no carb,) diet and reduce my total caloric intake. I will continue to work out 5-6 days per week and increase my swim work outs each week. I am going to focus on Putting it ALL Together and realize my goals.


Lana said...

sigh--I wish I had some kind of spark under my ever-expanding bum. You and Porter and Dixie all have this unstoppable hunger for it right now. I'm excited for you guys and I'm trying to figure out how to motivate myself even throughout the pregnancy. :)

Dixiechick said...

You've just identified one of the biggest problems people encouter. Once they start working out they think they are "okay" to eat whatever they want and then they get frustrated that they aren't losing weight and think working out isn't working. If you're wanting to maintain weight your diet can be a little looser, but for weightloss, no way. The fact that you have identified this on your own is huge. Good job. I've been trying to find the Rocky Point triathlon...I think I found one in April. Can you send me the link to the one you are thinking about?

Allyson & Jere said...

Ummm, so what is it? You finish your triathalon and suddenly you got NOTHING to say? It's been WAY to long since an update mister!!